Some Links visited today while working on Karen’s Replicator 3 in C++

Microsoft came out with WinUI 3 since I started working on a new Replicator, so of course I decided to use it. Since I made that decision, I upgraded the version number to 3 instead of 2. I decided to use C++ instead of C# for my own pleasure. It’s more of hassle, it’s less safe, but it’s super fast and you can do anything with it.

Anyway, I wondered why Microsoft is still using LocalAlloc() in this example code, so I clicked Search Online.

Then I avoided wondering how I can make Visual Studio search Duck Duck Go instead of Bing because, because I was still wondering about that LocalAlloc() thing, so I clicked

and deduced they’ve just copy and pasted this example for decades.

Later, I was wondering about the distinction between a Window and a Page on WinUI3, so

Page in Frame in Window

Some help with launching a Page in a Frame in a Window, it’s C# and I’m using C++ but that’s sorta irrelevant:

Accompanying Sample App for WinAppSDK:

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