I accidentally made an update about Replicator 2 because I wanted to take a picture of Jade, programmer support dog.
Replicator 2 accidental update

I accidentally made an update about Replicator 2 because I wanted to take a picture of Jade, programmer support dog.
Just wanted to let you know that your replicator software ROOCKS! I have been using your utility for over 10 years. No reason to look elsewhere for something they claim to be better when I have the best already. sorry to ramble on ass robert plant says. thank you. oh ydes, the version i have and always had is V2.2.33. Thank you.
Greetings, I was hoping that your utilities may be able to check your site fpor updates . I don’t pretend to know about your code but i am wanting to learn because your utilities rock motivates me. Oh yeah, the great guy above this comment needs to spell check. Keep up the great work!
Sorry I didn’t see your comment until months later. GREETINGS, EARTHING! Now I’m gonna be looking for spelling errors, thanks.