This post does not directly relate to Karen’s software, but I wanted to publicly post that I love ISPConfig.

I’ve been economizing our server setup by downsizing to a limited memory plan at One of the big consumers of memory on the server was Spam checking. Frankly, it was too sensitive anyway, plus it liked to use more than 1 gigabyte of ram. I figured I’d have to reconfigure a new server, then port all the sites and mail accounts to it in order to cleanly get it disconnected. OR, I’d have to look closely into how the ClamAV service was integrated, another possible horror. Instead, I just set all my email domains to “WANT ALL SPAM” and ISPConfig stopped ClamAV from running at all.
If you want to see how easy it is to set up a server for hosting multiple websites, with email, rootkit hunter, and hacking guards, check out
The Perfect Server – Debian 12 (Bookworm) with Apache, BIND, Dovecot, PureFTPD and ISPConfig 3.2
Article above written by the founder of ISPConfig, Till Brehm:

About Till Brehm
Over 20 years of experience as a software developer and Linux system administrator. Till Brehm is the founder and lead developer of the ISPConfig hosting control panel software (since 2000) and he founded HowtoForge in 2005 as a place to share Linux knowledge with other Linux enthusiasts.
Thanks, Till for all your work on ISPConfig. In the past I paid for the manual, but really I need to send more money.
Joe Winett